Shadowfist Deck: Nazi Cheese by Willow Palecek

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Home > Decks > Decks: Nazi Cheese (2007 Who's The Big Cheese Now? winner and GenCon 2007 World Championship winner)
[posted 18 Mar 2007; updated 14 Sep 2008]

Published with permission. Thanks Willow! I noticed that Willow had posted it to the Wisconsin Shadowfist Forum on 5 Mar 2007, anyone can read the original in the archive.

Willow Palecek won the Wisconsin State Championships "Who's The Big Cheese Now?" at Plattecon Upsilon (2007) using this deck. She also won the GenCon 2007 world championships using a slightly retuned version (listed down below).


Nazi Cheese (Plattecon 2007 version)
by Willow Palecek (70 cards)
 DNA Mage x5
 Friends of the Dragon x4
 Hacker x2
 Test Subjects x5

 Agent Tanaka x1
 BoneChill x2
 CHAR x2
 Elsa Winterhagen x2
 Genghis X x1
 Homo Omega (original) x1
 Rocket Man x1
 White Ninja x1

 Aerial Bombardment x5
 Arcanovirus x2
 Final Brawl x5
 Nerve Gas x5
 Neutron Bomb x1

 Cellular Reinvigoration x1
 Dangeous Experiment x3
 Evacuation 2066 x2
 Golden Combeback x3
 Rise of the Neoburo x1
 Secret Pact x1

Feng Shui:
 1x Blessed Orchard
 1x Disco
 1x Gambling House
 1x Family Home
 1x Fortress of Shadow
 1x Fox Pass
 1x Nine Dragon Temple
 1x Maze of Stairs
 1x Sacred Heart Hospital
 1x Mobius Gardens
 1x Stone Dolmens
 1x Temple of the Angry Spirits
 2x Whirlpool of Blood

Strategy: Play lots of Resources. Play Dangerous Experiment. Play a six cost hitter. Golden Combeback as necessary. Kill anyone who gets in your way. The trickiest part tends to be knowing when to play Dangerous Experiment.

Substitutions: If you lack some of the high-end hitters, Magog, the Queen of the Ice Pagoda, or Desdemona Deathangel will do the job. The Queen is especially handy if Shadowy Mentors are popular in your play-group. I don't have the new version of Homo Omega; I'd be worth running it for the tech requirement.

The Bonechills and CHARs are more or less interchangable, and mix and match with your preferred 4 cost hitters as you like. These guys are there to get you a burn for power. Shung Dai almost made it into this slot.

The Rocket Man, Aerial Bombardments, and Final Brawls are anti-weenie, which is needed my local metagame. If yours tends towards bigger characters, the Rocket man will probably be better off as a bigger hitter, and the Aerial Bombardments should probably be Imprisons.

The deck doesn't use that much tech; substituting Stormtroopers for the DNA Mages should give it a little more to do in the early game, and they even fit the 'theme'.


[writeup by Willow Palecek]


Nazi Cheese v2 (GenCon 2007)
by Willow Palecek (65 cards)
   Friends of the Dragon x4
   Hacker x2
   Stormtroopers x5
   Test Subject x5

   Agent Tanaka x1
   BoneChill x2
   CHAR x2
   Elsa Winterhagen x2
   Genghis X x1
   Homo Omega x1
   Queen of the Ice Pagoda x1
   White Ninja x1

   Aerial Bombardment x5
   Arcanovirus x2
   Final Brawl x5
   Nerve Gas x5
   Neutron Bomb x1

   Cellular Reinvigoration x1
   Dangerous Experiment x3
   Evacuation 2066 x2
   Golden Comeback x3
   Rise of the NeoBuro x1
   Secret Pact x1

Feng Shui Sites:
   Disco x1
   Family Home x1
   Gambling House x1
   Hot Springs x1
   LaGrange Four x1
   Mobius Gardens x1
   Maze of Stairs x1
   Nine Dragon Temple x1
   Sacred Heart Hospital x1
   Stone Dolmens x1
   Temple of the Angry Spirits x1
   Turtle Beach x1
   Whirlpool of Blood x2



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