Foreground, clockwise from left: Earl Miles' back, Tim Linden, Jim Pai, Lord High Troy Duffy, Winner of the Friday Final Brawl at Origins.
Foreground, clockwise from left: ?, Allen Hege, Jason Robitalle, ?
Foreground, clockwise from left: Brian Van Camp (?), Mark (?), ?
Clockwise from foreground: back of John Merrill's head (?), ?, Braz King,
Brian Smith-Sweeney
Daniel Griego (left) leans over to read a new card played by Michael Lasinski
(right). Note Daniel's Ting Ting life counter.
Foreground, clockwise from left: Jeff "Cavebear" Stroud, Gordon
Savage (?), Julian Lighton, Benjamin Barnett
Clockwise from left: Tim Linden, John Merrill hidden behind Tim, Mark
(?), Earl Miles, Michael Lasinski
Clockwise from left: the back of Gordon Savage's head, Daniel Griego,
Brian Smith-Sweeney, ?
Clockwise around foreground table: ?, ?, Benjamin Barnett, Allen Hege,
? (standing), Braz King, Julian Lighton, Jim Pai
The other end of the table from the previous photo
Clockwise from left: Gavin Edwards, Troy Duffy, Cavebear
Julian is thinking that Both Guns Blazing would go pretty good right about
Clockwise from left: Julian's hair, Gordon, Daniel
Benjamin decides exactly which smack to lay down this turn.
Earl contemplates his board position. Doesn't take long to contemplate
3 cards.
Foreground, clockwise from left: Daniel, ?, ?
Who's The Big Man? Allen Hege (left). for 2005, anyway.
Shadowfist always good for a laugh...
...except when it gives you a headache. This photo is begging for a little
thought bubble - what do you think Troy is thinking?
Foreground, clockwise from left: Earl's back, Cavebear, Michael L., Benjamin
Julian (standing) looking at the game from the previous photo
Clockwise from left: Braz's back, Troy, Brian S.
Brian cannot believe the jank that just flew out of Braz's deck.
Clockwise from left: Jim Pai, Gavin, Tim L.
Same game, different angle.
What exactly is in Julian's "water" bottle, anyway?
Benjamin Barnett (left) faces off against Brian Smith-Sweeney
? performs the Shadowfist equivalent of sharpening your katana
John (?), Allen and Gordon relaxing between rounds.
Earl earns his con badge.
John puts the "last minute" in last minute deck building.
Starting a new round. Benjamin (l.) vs. Troy (r.) in foreground. Cliff
Grimm (l.) vs. John Merrill (r.) behind them.
Looks like dueling.
Same table, different angle
Gavin looks at a production box of S&SG for the first time and says...
(insert another thought bubble here)
This duel not going so well for Troy, judging by the number of cards on
the table.
Another angle on this set of duels.
Gavin has strong kung fu. He managed to draw an entire box of S&SG
for his hand.
a demo?
and another angle of this same set.
"Really, it's there. The hidden message is so freakin' well hidden
that even I can't find it", says Paul Gerardi to Brian S.
Paul Gerardi (right) stops by to check out the dueling.
Next dueling round gets started.
Benjamin Barnett (left) duels John Merrill (right)
Dueling continues. Clockwise from left: Brian S., Cliff Grimm, Tim L.'s
back, Troy's back.
Finalists of the World Championship Brawl (from left): Benjamin Barnett,
Gavin Edwards, Brian Smith-Sweeney (winner), and Julian Lighton
Closer-up of the previous photo
Benjamin didn't win the final game, but I think he could take the other
finalists in a street brawl.
Some people playing some Shadowfist.
The Shadowfist Games crew: from left, Gavin Edwards, Benjamin Barnett,
Julian Lighton, Brian Smith-Sweeney, Allen Hege.
Daniel Griego (left) and Benjamin Barnett (right)
Foreground game, clockwise from left: Cavebear, Tim L., Benjamin, ?
Chris "littlemute"
Turner (left), Earl Miles (right)
Rebekah Turner (left) and ?, ? watch Chris's game.
Brian Smith-Sweeney, Overseer for Hire.
Gavin studies his board position. Allen wonders when his opponents will
simply concede to his obviously superior play.
Michael Lasinski (right), caught while trying to jedi mind trick his opponent.
Jeff "Cavebear" Stroud* and Tim Linden (right)
*you may
also recognize him as "Lucky Flounder"
The Z of Z-Man Games, Zev Shlasinger (left), apparently renting out advertising
space on his shirt to Nintendo.
Clockwise from left: Jim Pai, ?, and Earl Miles get ready to lay down
more smack.
Brian realizes that the Shadowfist tournament report form is only slightly
less complicated than a 1040A. (that's a US income tax form, for ya'll
outside the US)
What's that do?
Brian Van Camp (left), Cliff Grimm (right).
Tim Linden's kung fu is so strong, he sometimes plays entire games with
his eyes shut.
Daniel Griego's cool shadowboxed Shadowfist cards, donated as prizes.
Benjamin, Daniel and Brian get started on another round.
Allen Hege (standing) stops by to chat.
Clockwise from left: Tim L., Brian Van Camp, Cliff Grimm, and Cavebear's
Allen taunts Earl for not winning yet.
Julian Lighton (standing) cruises the floor.
Daniel Griego (right), winner of the Ritual of the Unnameable tournament.
Finalists in the Ritual of the Unnameable Tournament: (from left) Brian
Smith-Sweeney, Daniel Griego, Benjamin Barnett
Paul Gerardi (left) and the Shadowfist Games crew
Clockwise from left: ?, ?, Michael Lasinski, Sean (?)
Jim Pai and Earl Miles in what I guess is the bonus Sunday draft game.
Clockwise from left: ?, ?, Tim L., Daniel Griego
The pre-GenCon dinner at the Ram. Back row, left to right: Daniel Griego,
Julien Lighton, Michael Lasinski. Front row, left to right: Zev, Allen
Hege, Lynette and Earl Miles
Let the brawl begin! Foreground, clockwise from left: Gavin Edwards, ?,
Michael Lasinski
Julian Lighton (L), Benjamin Barnett (R)
Clockwise from left: Braz King, Brian Smith-Sweeney, John Merrill, Charles
From left: Brian Smith-Sweeney, Tim Linden, Earl Miles, and Benjamin Barnett.
Clockwise from left: Braz King, Julian Lighton, Jeff "Cavebear"
Stroud, and Jim Pai
Clockwise from left: Brian, Julian, Benjamin, and Gavin
Benjamin subtly signals that it's Brian's turn. The table was only a little
cracked. You should see him when he's not holding back.
From left: Brian, Tim, Gavin, Earl and Benjamin
From left: Gavin, Brian, Julian and Benjamin
Brian receives the traditional rolled-up piece of paper from Gavin as
his prize for winning the World Championships
From left: Brian, Daniel Griego, Benjamin. After the Ritual of the Unnameable
Suprisingly, Daniel also received a rolled-up piece of paper for winning
the RotU tournament.